Social and environmental activities


The entire Kayaking Costa Brava team is fully aware of the value of our natural environment and is totally committed to protecting it. This is why all our activities are conducted in a way totally environmentally and socially respectful way. We want to take things a step further with your help.

Support for open-water swimming courses


Kayaking also likes to support other sea-based sports activities, which is why we have been participating in two classic events for years now, namely the MARNATON (FROM CADAQUÉS AND BEGUR) I LA RADIKAL MAR BRAVA. They are open-water swimming races in which we participate with the respective organisations by providing material resources, personnel and experience in order to accompany, guide and support the swimmers with your indispensable help. If you have sea kayaking experience, you can join in as a volunteer, even if you do not have your own material, as we will provide you with our kayaks and accessories free of charge. Step up and join the Kayaking team for a day!

This is a morning activity that lasts 5-6 hours.

You can use your own equipment, although if you do not have any we can give you everything you need free of charge. The Kayaking guides/monitors oversee and lead the activity from the kayak and safety vessels.

The respective organisations provide the volunteers with:

  • A free t-shirt.
  • An economic remuneration of €20.
  • A snack

Conditions and bookings:


Specialties races

Marnaton Begur

Un repte amb dues distàncies, una curta de 3,5 km (de Sa Tuna a Sa Riera) i una llarga de 7 km (d’Aiguablava a Sa Riera).
Dos travessies al mar de gran bellesa en un entorn natural definit per penya-segats i cales d’aigua cristal·lina, màxima expressió de la Costa Brava. A més a més, celebrarem també una prova de KIDS!
A l’arribada a Sa Riera podreu reposar forces gaudint tots junts amb una Paella.

Marnaton Cadaqués

Una jornada d’aigües obertes que constarà de la mítica travessia de Cap de Creus a Cadaqués (6,5km), una prova mitja de 4km de Portlligat a Cadaqués, una prova curta de 2km de Caials a la Platja de Cadaqués i la MARNATON KIDS.
Com cada any, per la nit, celebrarem una gran festa a la Plaça de Cadaqués.

Radikal Swim Mar Brava

Consta de dues proves: la Radikal MarBrava 7.0 de 7000m, des de Calella de Palafrugell, passant per les Illes Formigues i acabant a Llafranc; i la Radikal MarBrava 1.5 de 1500m, que uneix els pobles costaners de Calella i Llafranc.

Information of interest for the Activity

Duration 5/6 h.

Material: KAYAKING COSTA BRAVA provides all the technical material (kayak, paddles and jacket) and refuse bags free of charge.

Recommended gear: closed footwear that will not slip off the feet and can get wet (like pumps or old trainers), latex gloves or the like for collecting the refuse, sunglasses (with some kind of fastening), bathing costume or trousers that can get wet, t-shirt that can get wet, sun screen cream, cap, windcheater or the like in case the weather is cool and water to stay hydrated.

Free activity. By booking only, limited availability.


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